
Showing posts from September, 2021

Production Day 1

 On Wednesday September 29th, we went out to film for the first time. Our group walked around the school to try to find a place. Then we decided on going to the cafeteria. To make sure no one else could steal our idea, we went upstairs to record. Since we forgot some items, we decided to skip the scenes that needed them and move onto a simple game showcase screen. So while we were upstairs, we brought out the switch and played Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Our plan was to make an iconic battle between Bowser and Mario with Mario being the victor. After the match, we would then shake hands, to show our sportsmanship in the game. The first take went smoothly until we messed up the handshake. Since we were forced to make another take, I proposed the idea about we screen record the switch because it was too far away to see the game. So we took many other takes after that and we finally got everything perfectly. So then when I tried to take the video, the software wouldn't allow it. So we ...


 September 27th          Chad Johnson Our group that consists of Jason, Sebastian, and I will feature the Nintendo Switch and all its features. Now our commercial will start with the iconic nintendo switch intro. This is found on all of nintendo switch's commercial intros. It lasts around 2 seconds so this will not take up any filming time that we need. The next panel is where we look at the nintendo switch game menu. This menu will have to showcase to the viewer what the games you can play. In this scene, we will also be entering a game and showing small gameplay. The third scene will show us playing a game together with the screen. This scene is meant to showcase how everyone can play together at the same time. This scene can also show a game being played and what to do which is promoting both the console and the game. The fourth scene will showcase what the game will look like when the console is in handheld mode. This mode is when the controllers are in...


 Our group decided on creating a Nintendo Switch commercial. In order to do this, we researched multiple Nintendo Switch commercials. We saw the shots they used and the various locations that were taking place. We also researched the various games that are popular with the switch and that we could use for our trailer. We are now familiar with Nintendo switch commercials. We took notes and ways on how we can make our commercial similar or just as good. We noticed certain shots we'd like and wrote it down on our notes. We also researched the technology behind the Switch. We wanted to know if this powerful console had enough content on it to make a commercial. Now we're starting to plan our project with the games, shots, and locations. We also researched how the actors behave and what games they used. While completing our research we realized the resources we'd need as we planned ahead. As all three of us watched trailers we have a few ideas on what our commercial should look ...


 Our group is planning to make a commercial on the Nintendo Switch about its games and functions. We will have a multitude of shots to showcase what the switch is all about. We really want to focus on the quality of the games and how they're played. We will speak no words and instead have music playing in the background. This music will be from one of the many switch games that we have available. Our choices are from The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, which is a open world exploration game. Another choice would possibly be Super Mario Odyssey. This game is another open world adventure, but you get to travel to multiple worlds. Our last option would be Pokémon sword and shield. This game is about catching cute monsters to fight on the way to become the Pokémon champion. In the beginning of the video, we will put the famous switch clip. This clip is about the Nintendo switch out of place, but then put right back into the right place with a sound effect. Then we plan to make it s...


 September 23rd               Chad Johnson My group consists of three people, being Jason Pierre, Chad Johnson, and Sebastian Suarez. Now this group is very special because they can both do what the other can't. Chad has the acting ability that makes him the perfect model for any situation. Jason can edit and record like a professional YouTuber and makes perfect content. Now Chad is a hard worker too, as he gets all A's and B's for all his grades. Jason gets A's and B's too and excels at most classes. Sebastian is a great comrade who will help in areas where we cannot perform much. He is a stellar student with all A's and will work as hard as he can to do anything possible. With us working together planning ahead will really allow us to form a nicely structured commercial for our commercial vlog. As a group we will be able to efficiently make progress on our work diligently. Whether we choose to split up the work or to work together...


 September 22nd               Chad Johnson This day was by far one of the worst days of the week for me. I had to dress up into a dress shirt with a tie and long pants. I had to wear this because I had a football game I had to go to today. The thing about this football game was since I just joined the team, I haven't had enough practices to play yet. So I dressed up and went to school and had a normal day. Out of embarrassment of wearing a dress shirt and tie, I decided to wear a jacket over my shirt the whole day. I was sweating so badly the whole day and it was just a mess. So once school ended, I had to go to the SGA meeting to run for representative. My mom told me to run for the college credit, so I went along with it because the game was at 6:30. So I was in the meeting, and then I get a phone call from my teammate telling me that I needed to come to the locker room. So I had to leave the meeting early and I saw no one else was wearing ...