Group Blog

My group consists of three other people, being Jason Pierre, Ethan Lavelle-Stablien, and Sebastian Suarez. Now this group is very special because they can all do what the other can't. I have the strong acting ability that makes me the perfect model for any situation. Jason can edit and record like a professional YouTuber and makes perfect content. Now Chad is a hard worker too, as he gets all A's and B's for all his grades. Jason gets A's and B's too and excels at most classes. Sebastian is a great comrade who will help in areas where we cannot perform much. He is a stellar student with all A's and will work as hard as he can to do anything possible. Ethan is a good recorded since he has the best camera with the Iphone 13. He also takes many different camera angles to add many shots to add inclusion. With us working together planning ahead will really allow us to form a nicely structured video for our short film. As a group we will be able to efficiently make progress on our work diligently. Whether we choose to split up the work or to work together, we can trust each other to get our parts down. I play many sports such as tennis and football. He plays on the tennis team alongside with Ethan. He wants to become the number one Olympic athlete in the world. This can be the said with Ethan too, who has played many more sports such as basketball, soccer, baseball, football, and tennis. Jason loves video editing and studying computers. He is very passionate about what he loves to do. He wants to be a good editor someday. Sebastian loves to hack gaming consoles and try to make them better. He'll modify them and reverse engineer them to learn how to build his own. He wants to become the man who will create the biggest video game console in the world. 


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