Other Info blog

 Roles and Participants: 


Chad Johnson - Drake

Jason Pierre - Joker

Ethan Lavelle-Stablein - Akira

Sebastian Suarez-Espino - Ren

Maria - 


Ethan Lavelle-Stablein and Sebastian Suarez-Espino


Chad Johnson and Jason Pierre

Health and Safety:

 Although we are going to be using prop swords, they will be wooden instead of metal. This way if we accidentally whack each other, the impact wouldn't hurt anybody as badly. Another solution that we considered was attacking with the swords very slowly, then editing the footage to make it look faster. This way, there would be no way to injure anybody while swing the swords. In order to make sure we don't hit anybody else who are bystanders, we plan to record secluded from others so they couldn't be in the background or get caught in an accident. In the worse case scenario, we will place 2 of our phones down in a secure place to be ready to call the police in case someone gets hurt.


3/4-3/6: We plan to film the first part of the film in this time period. The first part of the film is the introduction to Drake and the phone call about his sister and him rushing off.

3/7-3/11: We will spend this week working on the proper editing for our video.

3/12-3/13: We're going to finish recording by filming the action scene and the ending

3/14-3/18: We'll finish editing the movie, add all the titles, and then make sure it is peer-reviewed.

Back-up Plan

When the weekends do not work for one of us, we would have to meet after school in order to film. When we cannot edit in class, we will work on editing at homes and collaborate over call. 

The location we decided on was Holiday Park because of the open fields and lack of people


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