Editing blog: Working Together

 Me and Jason started a call so we could both work on the editing process. First, we needed to find a editing software that was perfect for this video. We both decided to use the editing software called CapCut, because we were the most familiar with it. So we got working with the project by getting all the clips we recorded. Ethan sent them over to Jason and he added the clips in the project. Since Jason and I weren't together in person, i had to direct him over call. He asked for me to call him because he was cobfused on what he had to do. Thankfully I helped him and guided him on every step. Once we put the clips together, we had to trim them to make them shorter. We did this because the video was long than 2 minutes which was the required amount. The other reason for trimming the clips was because they contained content that was not for the video. This included a celebretory speech, laughing at the end, asking if that was right, and more. After we finished putting the video together and trimming it, it was 1 minute and 59 seconds which was in the time limit. When we watched it, we noticed a problem our voices. Ethan's Iphone 13 could not pick up our voices well enough to be heard. This would be a problem when the music cuts in because we need the music to be loud but our voices to be louder. I suggested that we mute the video and put voiceovers over the whole video. For now it is unclear how we will solve that problem. After we put the video together, we decided to wait to finish the video until next time for the blog.


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